Education for Empowerment (E4E) Programme

Programme Name: Education for Empowerment (E4E) Programme


Education is accepted as a fundamental right throughout the world. Due to gender discrimination, domestic violence, geographical condition, poor socio-economic condition, child marriage, lack trend human resource in education sector and poor infrastructure large no of children in Nepal are unable to get formal education. The female literacy rate in Nepal in below 30 percent and overall literacy rate is only 60 percent. A large percentage of Nepalese girls get married before they are 16 years age. Gender discrimination is deeply rooted within Nepalese society, as daughters are seen as a financial liability so, Nepal Women Community Service Center (NWCSC) started supporting for education of under privileged girls from extremely impoverished, displaced, conflict affected, Dalit and Kamiyas families.

Programme Objectives:

The E4E Programme is committed to achieving the following objectives:

  • The initiative aims to facilitate access to quality education for all children.
  • It focuses on promoting the well-being of children and families, addressing aspects like nutrition, personal hygiene, and overall health.
  • The programme includes the provision of scholarships for students from Class 1 to 12 and the establishment of a revolving fund to support higher education.
  • Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on raising awareness about the importance of education, reducing school dropouts, and combating child marriage.
  • The initiative is dedicated to empowering girls by creating an enabling environment for their education, encouraging their pursuit of learning, and fostering leadership roles within the community.

Funding Agency: Center for Democarcy and Development (CDD)/ The Global Uplift Project/ Little Sister Fund, USA/ Social Responsibility of NWCSC Fund

Programme Period: January 2008 ongoing

Programme Area: Dang, Rolpa, Pyuthan and Salyan Districts

Implementing Partner: Government School

Programme Activities:

The E4E Programme’s activities include:

  • Examination Preparation: Preparing 35 children for the SE exam and facilitating SE exams for 30 students.
  • Higher Education Enrolment: Enrolling 40 students in Plus Two during 2021.
  • Community Engagement: Organizing meetings with teachers, parents, and girls to discuss programme initiatives.
  • Health Support: Providing support for medical treatment, including hospital visits, for sick children and their parents.
  • Awareness Programmes: Conducting tailored awareness programmes on nutrition, personal hygiene, health, and infectious diseases. An awareness campaign in Dang was recently conducted for children and their parents during the outbreak of eye flu in Nepal.
  • Child Marriage Prevention: Offering guidance against child marriage and outlining its disadvantages.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: Monthly monitoring and preparing programme reports.
  • Relief Funds: Distributing equitable relief funds amounting to NPR 300,000 to children.
  • Educational Activities: Hosting oratorical competitions in various schools and recognizing students who pass the 10th grade. Conducting an educational outreach programme to encourage both children and their parents to prioritize continued school attendance, thus reducing dropout rates.
  • Community Projects: Undertaking community projects, including constructing infrastructure and facilities for schools.

Programme Achievements:

The E4E Programme has achieved significant milestones:

  • Community Unity: Fostering a sense of unity and cooperation within the community.
  • Education Advocacy: Cultivating a shared belief in the importance of education for children.
  • Hygiene Improvement: Enhancing personal hygiene practices among children.
  • Extracurricular Engagement: Encouraging active participation in extracurricular activities.
  • Community Harmony: Promoting harmony and mutual understanding among community members.
  • Collaboration Spirit: Nurturing a spirit of collaboration and cooperation.
  • Family Well-being: Facilitating improved family well-being through education and employment opportunities.