Educational Material and School Uniform Distribution program in Ghorahi


Educational materials have been distributed to more than 100 children of marginalized communities studying in different schools of the district under the ‘Bimala Yogi Girls’ Education and Health Program’ conducted by Nepal Women’s Community Service Center Dang. Presided over by Bimala Yogi, founder president of Nepal Women’s Community Service Center and the chief guest of program was Gyannath Yogi, Principal of Sri Barah Kshetra Mavi Sewar Bangaon, Educational materials and school uniforms were provided to the children in the event.

नेपाल महिला सामुदायिक सेवा केन्द्र दाङले सञ्चालन गरेको ’बिमला योगी बालिका शिक्षा तथा स्वास्थ्य कार्यक्रम’ अन्तरगत जिल्लाका विभिन्न विद्यालयमा अध्ययनरत एक सय भन्दा बढि सिमान्तकृत समुदायका बालबालिकाहरुलाई शैक्षिक सामाग्री वितरण गरिएको छ । नेपाल महिला सामुदायिक सेवा केन्द्रका संस्थापक अध्यक्ष बिमला योगीको अध्यक्षता एव. श्री बराह क्षेत्र मावि सेवार बनगाउँका प्रधानाध्यापक ज्ञाननाथ योगीको प्रमुख आतिथ्यमा भएको कार्यक्रममा बालबालिकाहरुलाई शैक्षिक सामाग्री, विद्यालय पोशाक प्रदान गरिएको थियो ।


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